PDC Live

Programme Type Indicator (PTY)

This field appears as part of the Teletext Packet 30, Type 2 PDC information packet. It is an 8-bit value that can be used by the broadcaster to mark programmes intended for a particular audience (adult, children, gardeners, motorists etc.) or of a particular nature (music, light entertainment, drama). The content classification scheme is quite detailed, with the higher bits defining broad categories and the lower bits refining the description.

Broadcasters can also make up new values for this code to identify programmes that form part of a particular series; 127 codes are set aside for use as series identifiers. This facility is used by Channel 4 to flag such things as the 7 O'Clock News (code 0x83).

The PTY codes are grouped as follows:

	00-0F	No information
	01-3E	Audience type codes
	3F	Alarm/Emergency identification
	40-7F	Content codes
	80-FE	Codes specific to each service (to be defined per channel)
	FF	No programme or series type intended

Here is the table of more detailed Audience type and Content classifications (codes in hex):

0 Undefined
	00--0F	undefined content

1 Drama & Films
	10	movie (general)
	11	detective / thriller
	12	adventure / western / war
	13	science fiction / fantasy / horror
	14	comedy
	15	soap / melodrama / folklore
	16	romance
	17	serious / classical / religious / historical drama
	18	adult movie
	19--1E	reserved for future use
	1F	user defined

2 News / Current Affairs / Social
	20	news / current affairs (general)
	21	news / weather report
	22	news magazine
	23	documentary
	24	discussion / interview / debate
	25	social / political issues / economics (general)
	26	magazines / reports / documentary
	27	economics / social advisory
	28	remarkable people
	29--2E	reserved for future use
	2F	user defined

3 Show / Game Show / Leisure hobbies
	30	show / game show (general)
	31	game show / quiz / contest
	32	variety show
	33	talk show
	34	leisure hobbies (general)
	35	tourism / travel
	36	handicraft
	37	motoring
	38	fitness & health
	39	cooking
	3A	advertisement / shopping
	3B--3E	reserved for future use
	3F	alarm / emergency identification

4 Sports
	40	sports (general)
	41	special events (e.g. Olympic games, World Cup etc.)
	42	sports magazines
	43	football / soccer
	44	tennis / squash
	45	team sports (excluding football)
	46	athletics
	47	motor sports
	48	water sports
	49	winter sports
	4A	equestrian
	4B	martial arts
	4C	local sports
	4D--4E	reserved for future use
	4F	user defined

5 Children / Youth / Education / Science
	50	children's / youth programmes (general)
	51	pre-school children's programmes
	52	entertainment programmes for 6 to 14
	53	entertainment programmes for 10 to 16
	54	informational / educational / school programmes
	55	cartoons / puppets
	56	educational / science / factual topics (general)
	57	nature / animals / environment
	58	technology / natural sciences
	59	medicine / physiology / psychology
	5A	foreign countries / expeditions
	5B	social / spiritual sciences
	5C	further education
	5D	languages
	5E	reserved for future use
	5F	user defined

6 Music / Ballet / Dance
	60	music / ballet / dance (general)
	61	rock / pop
	62	serious music / classical music
	63	folk / traditional music
	64	jazz
	65	musical / opera
	66	ballet
	67--6E	reserved for future use
	6F	user defined

7 Arts / Culture (without music)
	70	Arts / Culture (without music, general)
	71	performing arts
	72	fine arts
	73	religion
	74	popular culture / traditional arts
	75	literature
	76	film / cinema
	77	experimental film / video
	78	broadcasting / press
	79	new media
	7A	arts / culture magazines
	7B	fashion
	7C--7E	reserved for future use
	7F	user defined			

The channel-specific codes seen so far are all on Channel 4:

	81	Brookside
	82	Brookside Omnibus
	83	7 O'Clock News

If you see any new channel-specific series codes, please let me know.

Thanks to Jim Main for the table of PTY values.

This page was created on 11 August 1996. It was last updated 05 September 1998.
Please send comments to Robin O'Leary pdc at ro dot nu
Copyright (C)1996--2004 Robin O'Leary. All rights reserved.